Pacific Shipping Agent & Marine Transport Co.
Agency Rights
- The shipping agent is the legal party to communicate with the
ship owner , chartrters ships masters or any crew member, and represent
the owner and all concerning parties in all responsibilities according
to the legal applicable laws and regulations .
- The shipping agent shall charge for his services tendered to the
ship his fees as stated in the attached tariff and he has the right to
use any means to collect the said charges without delay or partition .
- The ship agent must appoint sufficient tallymen for every vessel for
the period of loading/discharging to check and control the cargo in the
events of shortage/damage and forward to the concerning parties in the
port a final report within (24 hours) from completion of
loading/discharging to be confirmed (signed) .
- The ship owners are obliged to forward the freight manifest to their
shipping agent at least 24 hours before the arrival of the vessel and
failing to do so will hold the vessel liable for legal actions .
- The vessel will bear the cost of the tallymen whatsoever the
conitions of carriage unless there is an agreement between the shipper
and receiver .
- The agent is not liable for any fine he is not directly responsible
and if he was fined he has the right to ask the chamber of shipping to
intervene with the concerning parties according to the charter of the
chamber of shipping . Also the vessel should not be liable for any fined
caused by the agent .